Creator's Playbook

86 - "Mr. Math" - Magical Shop

Episode 86

It's that time of the year. A time to go out and surprise others with gifts, treats, and service. It's a time of scrolling through online sellers and walking through isles trying to find the perfect thing. Sometimes all you need is just a little magic to make it all happen. Today join Robbie and Steven as they create a Magical Shop filled with wonder and mystery.

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Facebook: Creator's Playbook
Episode Hashtag: #cppodcast086

After-show notes - The Shop Keeper:
The shop keeper can be a friend or aid to the hero of the story. They play a sort of mentor or guide for the hero, leaving hints to encourage them on their path. When making this particular type of character, a good dose of mystery goes a long way.

Recognizable patterns with this character:

  • Brief appearances with the hero.
  • Cryptic guidance, unclear to the hero and ourselves until the end of the story.
  • Appears when they're most needed.